FOTO: ŽIVOT NA CESTI Pogledajte kako izgleda unutrašnjost autobusa u kojem živi par s dvoje malene djece: 'Ne trebamo novac kako bismo bili bogati'


Australci Jed Harris (38) i Marthe Rovik (37) prodali su gotovo svu svoju imovinu i prošlog ljeta otišli su živjeti na cestu s dvoje male djece.

Prodajom su zaradili 40.000 dolara s čime su kupili autobus i potpuno ga renovirali.

Radovi su trajali 18 mjeseci, a rezultat je udoban dom od samo 30-ak kvadrata, piše Daily Mail.

Tijekom godinama postali su minimalisti, a kažu da im ne treba novac da bi bili bogati.

Renovations took about 18 months to complete. AFTER the birth of their TWO YOUNG CHILDREN this couple decided they ‘DIDN’T NEED MONEY’ and sold EIGHTY PERCENT of everything they owned in favour of life on a BUS. Wanderluster, Jed Harris (38) and baby sleep consultant, Marthe Rovik (37) from Australia met in Norway when Jed was on a working holiday visa. When the visa ran out the two travelled Australia together for two years before getting married on the beach in Western Australia in October 2010. After a few years of travelling the love birds had their first child, Ellida Olise Harris (4) and then two years later they had their second daughter, Embla Eli Harris (2). Since having Ellida, Jed and Marthe had both been searching for ways to make money online so they could spend more time together as a family. Ultimately, they realised they were already sitting on a lot of money. The two sold about 80 percent of everything they owned, including their home and most of its contents for about £21,453 (,000 AUD). They learned to become minimalists and when Embla was born they were ready to live a life of freedom on the roads of Australia. The bus they purchased was an former 60 seater 1998 MAN bus for £5,364 (,000 AUD) which they found at a local transport yard in Margaret River just south of Perth, Australia. Renovations took 18 months to complete and cost around £21,453 (,000 AUD) and Jed continued working full time while also doing the renovations. Finally, on August 13, 2019 the family of four moved into their dream home. MDWfeatures / Jed Harris, Image: 483875609, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD23000987030000be520000246b00000f820000db180100ca6f01005ea10100ec110200a45b020061950200, Model Release: no, Credit line: mediadrumworld.com / Jed Harris / Media Drum World / Profimedia
mediadrumworld.com / Jed Harris / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Prije vjenčanja 2010. godine, par je putovao po Australiji dvije godine.

Nakon rođenja prve kćeri odlučili su da žele zarađivati isključivo online kako bi što više vremena provodili skupa.

On the road you can choose where you wish to eat. AFTER the birth of their TWO YOUNG CHILDREN this couple decided they ‘DIDN’T NEED MONEY’ and sold EIGHTY PERCENT of everything they owned in favour of life on a BUS. Wanderluster, Jed Harris (38) and baby sleep consultant, Marthe Rovik (37) from Australia met in Norway when Jed was on a working holiday visa. When the visa ran out the two travelled Australia together for two years before getting married on the beach in Western Australia in October 2010. After a few years of travelling the love birds had their first child, Ellida Olise Harris (4) and then two years later they had their second daughter, Embla Eli Harris (2). Since having Ellida, Jed and Marthe had both been searching for ways to make money online so they could spend more time together as a family. Ultimately, they realised they were already sitting on a lot of money. The two sold about 80 percent of everything they owned, including their home and most of its contents for about £21,453 (,000 AUD). They learned to become minimalists and when Embla was born they were ready to live a life of freedom on the roads of Australia. The bus they purchased was an former 60 seater 1998 MAN bus for £5,364 (,000 AUD) which they found at a local transport yard in Margaret River just south of Perth, Australia. Renovations took 18 months to complete and cost around £21,453 (,000 AUD) and Jed continued working full time while also doing the renovations. Finally, on August 13, 2019 the family of four moved into their dream home. MDWfeatures / Jed Harris, Image: 483875634, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: mediadrumworld.com / Jed Harris / Media Drum World / Profimedia
mediadrumworld.com / Jed Harris / Media Drum World / Profimedia

"Svi bi trebali smanjiti svoje troškove. U početku je bilo teško, ali čim smo se preselili na cestu budim se sretan jer znam da imam sve vrijeme svijeta. To je vrijedno truda", kaže Jed.

Big sister has been brilliant at looking after little sister. AFTER the birth of their TWO YOUNG CHILDREN this couple decided they ‘DIDN’T NEED MONEY’ and sold EIGHTY PERCENT of everything they owned in favour of life on a BUS. Wanderluster, Jed Harris (38) and baby sleep consultant, Marthe Rovik (37) from Australia met in Norway when Jed was on a working holiday visa. When the visa ran out the two travelled Australia together for two years before getting married on the beach in Western Australia in October 2010. After a few years of travelling the love birds had their first child, Ellida Olise Harris (4) and then two years later they had their second daughter, Embla Eli Harris (2). Since having Ellida, Jed and Marthe had both been searching for ways to make money online so they could spend more time together as a family. Ultimately, they realised they were already sitting on a lot of money. The two sold about 80 percent of everything they owned, including their home and most of its contents for about £21,453 (,000 AUD). They learned to become minimalists and when Embla was born they were ready to live a life of freedom on the roads of Australia. The bus they purchased was an former 60 seater 1998 MAN bus for £5,364 (,000 AUD) which they found at a local transport yard in Margaret River just south of Perth, Australia. Renovations took 18 months to complete and cost around £21,453 (,000 AUD) and Jed continued working full time while also doing the renovations. Finally, on August 13, 2019 the family of four moved into their dream home. MDWfeatures / Jed Harris, Image: 483875667, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: mediadrumworld.com / Jed Harris / Media Drum World / Profimedia
mediadrumworld.com / Jed Harris / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Objašnjava da im je do sad najveći izazov bio odlučiti koliko dugo da ostanu na jednome mjestu kako bi izbjegli da djeca 'pregore'.

"Kad se negdje dulje zadržimo djevojčice počnu testirati granice pa se ponekad i previše udalje".

Full renovation work set the family back £21,453. AFTER the birth of their TWO YOUNG CHILDREN this couple decided they ‘DIDN’T NEED MONEY’ and sold EIGHTY PERCENT of everything they owned in favour of life on a BUS. Wanderluster, Jed Harris (38) and baby sleep consultant, Marthe Rovik (37) from Australia met in Norway when Jed was on a working holiday visa. When the visa ran out the two travelled Australia together for two years before getting married on the beach in Western Australia in October 2010. After a few years of travelling the love birds had their first child, Ellida Olise Harris (4) and then two years later they had their second daughter, Embla Eli Harris (2). Since having Ellida, Jed and Marthe had both been searching for ways to make money online so they could spend more time together as a family. Ultimately, they realised they were already sitting on a lot of money. The two sold about 80 percent of everything they owned, including their home and most of its contents for about £21,453 (,000 AUD). They learned to become minimalists and when Embla was born they were ready to live a life of freedom on the roads of Australia. The bus they purchased was an former 60 seater 1998 MAN bus for £5,364 (,000 AUD) which they found at a local transport yard in Margaret River just south of Perth, Australia. Renovations took 18 months to complete and cost around £21,453 (,000 AUD) and Jed continued working full time while also doing the renovations. Finally, on August 13, 2019 the family of four moved into their dream home. MDWfeatures / Jed Harris, Image: 483875595, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: mediadrumworld.com / Jed Harris / Media Drum World / Profimedia
mediadrumworld.com / Jed Harris / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Kažu da ih obitelj i prijatelji podržavaju.

"U nekom trenutku svi poželimo veću kuću, novi auto ili jahtu, ali te želje ljude samo tjeraju da još više rade.

The bus comes with a fully kitted out bathroom. AFTER the birth of their TWO YOUNG CHILDREN this couple decided they ‘DIDN’T NEED MONEY’ and sold EIGHTY PERCENT of everything they owned in favour of life on a BUS. Wanderluster, Jed Harris (38) and baby sleep consultant, Marthe Rovik (37) from Australia met in Norway when Jed was on a working holiday visa. When the visa ran out the two travelled Australia together for two years before getting married on the beach in Western Australia in October 2010. After a few years of travelling the love birds had their first child, Ellida Olise Harris (4) and then two years later they had their second daughter, Embla Eli Harris (2). Since having Ellida, Jed and Marthe had both been searching for ways to make money online so they could spend more time together as a family. Ultimately, they realised they were already sitting on a lot of money. The two sold about 80 percent of everything they owned, including their home and most of its contents for about £21,453 (,000 AUD). They learned to become minimalists and when Embla was born they were ready to live a life of freedom on the roads of Australia. The bus they purchased was an former 60 seater 1998 MAN bus for £5,364 (,000 AUD) which they found at a local transport yard in Margaret River just south of Perth, Australia. Renovations took 18 months to complete and cost around £21,453 (,000 AUD) and Jed continued working full time while also doing the renovations. Finally, on August 13, 2019 the family of four moved into their dream home. MDWfeatures / Jed Harris, Image: 483875628, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: mediadrumworld.com / Jed Harris / Media Drum World / Profimedia
mediadrumworld.com / Jed Harris / Media Drum World / Profimedia

"Ljudi većinom promijene život i počnu živjeti po svome kad se razbole i osjete da su blizu smrti. Mi to nismo željeli. Nismo željeli čekati da počnemo živjeti svoje snove", priča Jed.

Family and friends have been incredibly supportive of their journey. AFTER the birth of their TWO YOUNG CHILDREN this couple decided they ‘DIDN’T NEED MONEY’ and sold EIGHTY PERCENT of everything they owned in favour of life on a BUS. Wanderluster, Jed Harris (38) and baby sleep consultant, Marthe Rovik (37) from Australia met in Norway when Jed was on a working holiday visa. When the visa ran out the two travelled Australia together for two years before getting married on the beach in Western Australia in October 2010. After a few years of travelling the love birds had their first child, Ellida Olise Harris (4) and then two years later they had their second daughter, Embla Eli Harris (2). Since having Ellida, Jed and Marthe had both been searching for ways to make money online so they could spend more time together as a family. Ultimately, they realised they were already sitting on a lot of money. The two sold about 80 percent of everything they owned, including their home and most of its contents for about £21,453 (,000 AUD). They learned to become minimalists and when Embla was born they were ready to live a life of freedom on the roads of Australia. The bus they purchased was an former 60 seater 1998 MAN bus for £5,364 (,000 AUD) which they found at a local transport yard in Margaret River just south of Perth, Australia. Renovations took 18 months to complete and cost around £21,453 (,000 AUD) and Jed continued working full time while also doing the renovations. Finally, on August 13, 2019 the family of four moved into their dream home. MDWfeatures / Jed Harris, Image: 483875601, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD230009690100001e560000f6740000ec9a0000b105010042540100f88c01007bf70100f3300200846b0200, Model Release: no, Credit line: mediadrumworld.com / Jed Harris / Media Drum World / Profimedia
mediadrumworld.com / Jed Harris / Media Drum World / Profimedia

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