FOTO: 'UČITELJICA MI JE REKLA DA IMAM NOGE POPUT SLONA. IMALA SAM SAMO 10 GODINA' Nemilosrdno su je maltretirali u školi, a pogledajte je danas...

Yi s obitelji otprilike u vrijeme kad su je prozvali da ima noge poput slona...
 Profimedia, Caters News

Učenica kojoj se nastavnica u školi okrutno rugala da ima ‘noge poput slona’ pa su tu ‘šalu’ preuzeli drugi učenici, danas je fitness model i bori se protiv predrasuda kakve je sama doživjela.

Yi Chen (21) iz San Diega u Kaliforniji nakon periode škole u kojem je bila predmet sprdnje, danas inspirira djevojke da zavole svoje tijelo kakvo god da je, ali i sama po prvi put osjeća hrabrost i samopouzdanje.

Imala je samo deset godina kad je nastavnica u školi ismijavala njezinu muškobanjastu figuru zbog čega su joj u razredu dali nadimak King Kong Barbika. Čak je i njezina obitelj zaključila da je ‘prevelika’. Sve se to događalo dok je živjela na Tajvanu zbog čega se prestala baviti sportom i značajno smanjila količinu obroka. Sa 15 godina je doselila u SAD i priča se okrenula. Ondje su joj svi davali komplimente na račun sportske figure, a upravo je zahvaljujući tome stekla dovoljno samopouzdanja pa je prije dvije godine konačno počela nositi kratke hlače i haljine.

Danas se ne srami ničega i svoje iskustvo s vježbanjem i prehranom kao i znanje o ljepoti dijeli s prijateljima i obožavateljima na društvenim mrežama.

- (PICTURED: Yi with her family as a child around the age she was berated for her muscular physique, later she would be told she had elephant legs by her teacher) - A student cruelly called elephant legs by her schoolteacher has become a fitness model since embracing her curves and little booty. Yi Chen, 21, from San Diego in California, USA, is now inspiring others to love themselves after wearing shorts and dresses for the first time in nearly ten-years. She was ten-years-old when she was mocked for her muscular physique by her teacher, leading classmates to nickname her King Kong Barbie and even her family declaring her Too big. The negative reinforcement, while living in Taiwan, led her to quit sports and drastically cut back her food intake, even skipping meals entirely, until at 50lb -3st 7- lighter she looked thin. But after moving to the USA at 15, people started complimenting her athletic physique, which eventually gave her the confidence to wear dresses and shorts two-years-ago. Now she loves her thighs, curves and little booty and shares her experiences online to empower others by getting them to celebrate their figures too. -, Image: 354973187, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: YI CHEN / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
Yi s obitelji otprilike u vrijeme kad su je prozvali da ima noge poput slona...

‘Kad mi je rekla da imam noge poput slona pred cijelim razredom, to je bilo poput zelenog svjetla mojim vršnjacima da mi komentiraju noge. Bilo je to strašno, djeca su mi dala nadimak King Kong Barbika, zvali su me ‘debela bedra’ i govorili su mi grozne stvari iza leđa. Svakodnevni negativni komentari nisu dolazili samo od poznanika, nego i od moje obitelji da bih na kraju i sama počela vjerovati kako bih trebala biti mršavija i sitnija. Na kraju sam odustala od bavljenja sportom i namjerno sam se izgladnjivala jer sam osjećala pritisak. U njihovim očima Azijatkinje moraju biti mršave. Događalo se da cijeli dan ne bi ništa jela. Izgubila sam više od 20 kilograma, ali nisam bila sretna. Došla sam do točke kad me okolina prihvatila, ali ja više nisam radila ništa u čemu sam uživala. Nakon što sam preselila u Ameriku, posve sam promijenila stav prema vlastitom tijelu i stalno sam dobivala komplimente.

Brzo sam shvatila da život u kojem pokušavate zadovoljiti sve oko sebe, nema nikakvog smisla. Drago mi je da više nisam takva i da sam prihvatila sebe. Najvažnije je kako se sama osjećam u svom tijelu, tuđu komplimenti ili kritike ništa ne znače’, rekla je Yi.

- (PICTURED: Yi says she was miserable after quiting exercise because of her elephant legs, due to pressure and bullying from pupils at her school and family - but since coming to the USA and receiving compliments she has been able to love herself and her figure and now proudly flaunts it as well as exercising ) - A student cruelly called elephant legs by her schoolteacher has become a fitness model since embracing her curves and little booty. Yi Chen, 21, from San Diego in California, USA, is now inspiring others to love themselves after wearing shorts and dresses for the first time in nearly ten-years. She was ten-years-old when she was mocked for her muscular physique by her teacher, leading classmates to nickname her King Kong Barbie and even her family declaring her Too big. The negative reinforcement, while living in Taiwan, led her to quit sports and drastically cut back her food intake, even skipping meals entirely, until at 50lb -3st 7- lighter she looked thin. But after moving to the USA at 15, people started complimenting her athletic physique, which eventually gave her the confidence to wear dresses and shorts two-years-ago. Now she loves her thighs, curves and little booty and shares her experiences online to empower others by getting them to celebrate their figures too. -, Image: 354973973, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: YI CHEN / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- (PICTURED: Yi while younger when she was bullied for her thicker legs, she was called elephant legs and king kong barbie) - A student cruelly called elephant legs by her schoolteacher has become a fitness model since embracing her curves and little booty. Yi Chen, 21, from San Diego in California, USA, is now inspiring others to love themselves after wearing shorts and dresses for the first time in nearly ten-years. She was ten-years-old when she was mocked for her muscular physique by her teacher, leading classmates to nickname her King Kong Barbie and even her family declaring her Too big. The negative reinforcement, while living in Taiwan, led her to quit sports and drastically cut back her food intake, even skipping meals entirely, until at 50lb -3st 7- lighter she looked thin. But after moving to the USA at 15, people started complimenting her athletic physique, which eventually gave her the confidence to wear dresses and shorts two-years-ago. Now she loves her thighs, curves and little booty and shares her experiences online to empower others by getting them to celebrate their figures too. -, Image: 354973951, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: YI CHEN / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Priznala je da ju je do prije dvije godine bilo sram nositi haljine i kratke hlače. Tome je pridonio i stav obitelji koji se drži tradicionalne vizije ljepote prema kojoj Azijatkinje moraju biti mršave i sitne. Neprestano su je ispitivali zašto ima tako snažne mišiće i zašto je tako građena. Nakon što ju je ponizila i nastavnica, Yi je potpuno izgubila samopouzdanje, prestala jesti i vježbati.

Ona na Instagramu danas ima gotovo 50.000 fanova koje potiče da vole sebe i da budu ponosni na sebe i svoja postignuća.

- (PICTURED: Yi now exercises proudly and loves her thicker thighs and little booty, after previously being called elephant legs and more) - A student cruelly called elephant legs by her schoolteacher has become a fitness model since embracing her curves and little booty. Yi Chen, 21, from San Diego in California, USA, is now inspiring others to love themselves after wearing shorts and dresses for the first time in nearly ten-years. She was ten-years-old when she was mocked for her muscular physique by her teacher, leading classmates to nickname her King Kong Barbie and even her family declaring her Too big. The negative reinforcement, while living in Taiwan, led her to quit sports and drastically cut back her food intake, even skipping meals entirely, until at 50lb -3st 7- lighter she looked thin. But after moving to the USA at 15, people started complimenting her athletic physique, which eventually gave her the confidence to wear dresses and shorts two-years-ago. Now she loves her thighs, curves and little booty and shares her experiences online to empower others by getting them to celebrate their figures too. -, Image: 354974119, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: YI CHEN / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- (PICTURED: Yi says she was miserable after quiting exercise because of her elephant legs, due to pressure and bullying from pupils at her school and family - but since coming to the USA and receiving compliments she has been able to love herself and her figure and now proudly flaunts it as well as exercising ) - A student cruelly called elephant legs by her schoolteacher has become a fitness model since embracing her curves and little booty. Yi Chen, 21, from San Diego in California, USA, is now inspiring others to love themselves after wearing shorts and dresses for the first time in nearly ten-years. She was ten-years-old when she was mocked for her muscular physique by her teacher, leading classmates to nickname her King Kong Barbie and even her family declaring her Too big. The negative reinforcement, while living in Taiwan, led her to quit sports and drastically cut back her food intake, even skipping meals entirely, until at 50lb -3st 7- lighter she looked thin. But after moving to the USA at 15, people started complimenting her athletic physique, which eventually gave her the confidence to wear dresses and shorts two-years-ago. Now she loves her thighs, curves and little booty and shares her experiences online to empower others by getting them to celebrate their figures too. -, Image: 354973965, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: YI CHEN / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- (PICTURED: Yi says she was miserable after quiting exercise because of her elephant legs, due to pressure and bullying from pupils at her school and family - but since coming to the USA and receiving compliments she has been able to love herself and her figure and now proudly flaunts it as well as exercising ) - A student cruelly called elephant legs by her schoolteacher has become a fitness model since embracing her curves and little booty. Yi Chen, 21, from San Diego in California, USA, is now inspiring others to love themselves after wearing shorts and dresses for the first time in nearly ten-years. She was ten-years-old when she was mocked for her muscular physique by her teacher, leading classmates to nickname her King Kong Barbie and even her family declaring her Too big. The negative reinforcement, while living in Taiwan, led her to quit sports and drastically cut back her food intake, even skipping meals entirely, until at 50lb -3st 7- lighter she looked thin. But after moving to the USA at 15, people started complimenting her athletic physique, which eventually gave her the confidence to wear dresses and shorts two-years-ago. Now she loves her thighs, curves and little booty and shares her experiences online to empower others by getting them to celebrate their figures too. -, Image: 354973202, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: YI CHEN / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

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17. rujan 2024 03:27