FOTO: DRAMATIČNA TRANSFORMACIJA Tinejdžerica se prepolovila: 'Imala sam 135 kila, bila sam opsjednuta hranom, a onda se sve okrenulo'


Sa samo 18 godina, Melissa Mouawad težila je 135 kilograma te je jedino mogla nositi odjeću za trudnice. Prema australskom standardu, nosila je konfekcijski broj 24 (europski 52).

"Imala je veliku elastičnu traku na struku. Samo mi je tako bilo udobno", otkrila je Mouawad za "Neugodno mi je razmišljati o tome, međutim nisam imala izbora."

To je bilo tada. Mouawad je u međuvremenu promijenila svoju dijetu te danas kao 29-godišnjakinja teži 70 kilograma i nosi konfekcijski broj 12 (europski 40).

- (PICTURED: Melissa Mouawad, 29, from Sydney, Australia, lost 65kg of weight) - A 135kg woman who was forced to wear maternity clothes due to her size has shed half her body weight in a jaw-dropping transformation.At just 18 years old, Melissa Mouawads wardrobe was overflowing with frumpy size 24 maternity clothes  as they were the only outfits that would fit her dangerously obese 135kg frame., Image: 383226846, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
- (PICTURED: Melissa Mouawad, 29, from Sydney, Australia, lost 65kg of weight) - A 135kg woman who was forced to wear maternity clothes due to her size has shed half her body weight in a jaw-dropping transformation.At just 18 years old, Melissa Mouawads wardrobe was overflowing with frumpy size 24 maternity clothes  as they were the only outfits that would fit her dangerously obese 135kg frame., Image: 383227006, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Mouawad je za otkrila da su njezini problemi s težinom počeli još dok je bila djevojčica. Kaže da je bila opsjednuta s hranom. "Kao dijete sam znala u svoju spavaću sobu odnositi hranu kako bih je mogla jesti kasnije. Svake večeri pojela bih tucet krafni, brzu hranu, table čokolade i gazirana pića."

Mouawad se uz pomoć takve prehrane vrlo brzo udebljala te je s 18 godina imala 135 kilograma. Liječnici su joj rekli da bi morala promijeniti svoje navike jer bi je njezina dijeta mogla odvesti u smrt.

- (PICTURED: Melissa Mouawad, 29, from Sydney, Australia, lost 65kg of weight) - A 135kg woman who was forced to wear maternity clothes due to her size has shed half her body weight in a jaw-dropping transformation.At just 18 years old, Melissa Mouawads wardrobe was overflowing with frumpy size 24 maternity clothes  as they were the only outfits that would fit her dangerously obese 135kg frame., Image: 383227079, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

"Kada su mi liječnici rekli da bi mogla doživjeti srčani udar i da sam na rubu dobivanja dijabetesa shvatila sam da se moram promijeniti", rekla je. "Uplašila sam se i odlučila sam promijeniti život."

No, volja je jedno, a sistematično mršavljenje je drugo. Mouawad je rekla da je godinama isprobavala različite dijete i planove vježbanja. Tjelesna težina joj je tijekom tog vremena traženja oscilirala, međutim prije pet je godina pronašla najbolji način za mršavljenje. On uključuje brojanje kalorija i kontroliranje unosa ugljikohidrata, proteina i mast.

- (PICTURED: Melissa Mouawad, 29, from Sydney, Australia, lost 65kg of weight) - A 135kg woman who was forced to wear maternity clothes due to her size has shed half her body weight in a jaw-dropping transformation.At just 18 years old, Melissa Mouawads wardrobe was overflowing with frumpy size 24 maternity clothes  as they were the only outfits that would fit her dangerously obese 135kg frame., Image: 383226921, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
- (PICTURED: Melissa Mouawad, 29, from Sydney, Australia, lost 65kg of weight. Pictured on her wedding day) - A 135kg woman who was forced to wear maternity clothes due to her size has shed half her body weight in a jaw-dropping transformation.At just 18 years old, Melissa Mouawads wardrobe was overflowing with frumpy size 24 maternity clothes  as they were the only outfits that would fit her dangerously obese 135kg frame., Image: 383226962, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Mouawad sada selektivno posti te jede puno proteina i zdravih masti, a njih dopunjuje svježim voćem i povrćem. Uz to, Mouawad sada i redovito vježba kako bi ojačala. "Počela sam vježbati u teretani i kontrolirati što jedem i kile su jednostavno počele nestajati", objašnjava. "Išla sam na satove fitnessa u svojoj trudničkoj odjeći. Držala sam se pozadi i pokušala držati korak. Bilo me je sram, ali sam davala sve od sebe."

Mouawad kaže da se vrlo brzo prebacila na čelo svojih fitness grupe. "Naposljetku sam stigla i do vježbanja s utezima. Sada sam spremnija nego ikad. Ne mogu vjerovati da se moje tijelo može micati kako se sada miče", dodaje.

- (PICTURED: Melissa Mouawad, 29, from Sydney, Australia, lost 65kg of weight) - A 135kg woman who was forced to wear maternity clothes due to her size has shed half her body weight in a jaw-dropping transformation.At just 18 years old, Melissa Mouawads wardrobe was overflowing with frumpy size 24 maternity clothes  as they were the only outfits that would fit her dangerously obese 135kg frame., Image: 383227101, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

I osobnost joj se promijenila, kaže. "Prije sam bila sramežljiva i zatvorena, nisam htjela da me itko vidi. Sada sam samopouzdana i sretna. Volim život", rekla je Mouawad. "Odlično sam se osjećala kada sam bacila svoju trudničku odjeću. Sada mogu ići u kupovinu gdje god želim."

Mouawad se prošle godine u lipnju udala za 30-godišnjeg Edwarda Mouawada. Za sve koji žele krenuti njezinim koracima, Mouawad kaže da treba početi polako jer će tako mršavjeti održivo. "To mi je totalno promijenilo život."

- (PICTURED: Melissa Mouawad, 29, from Sydney, Australia, lost 65kg of weight. Pictured on her wedding day) - A 135kg woman who was forced to wear maternity clothes due to her size has shed half her body weight in a jaw-dropping transformation.At just 18 years old, Melissa Mouawads wardrobe was overflowing with frumpy size 24 maternity clothes  as they were the only outfits that would fit her dangerously obese 135kg frame., Image: 383227031, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
Melissa i Edward Mouawad

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20. rujan 2024 18:45