FOTO: DA, ONA JE BAKA IAKO JOJ UGLAVNOM DAJU 20 GODINA MANJE Atraktivna Australka otkriva tajnu svoje mladolikosti: 'Ovo zlo bez iznimke izbjegavam'

 / Profimedia, Caters News

Gini Stewart rijetko će tko pogoditi stvarne godine. Većina ljudi koje susretne daje joj upola manje. No, ona je samohrana majka četvero djece i baka, a tek joj je 47... Atraktivna bakica otkriva da je tajna njezine mladolikosti u izbjegavanju plastike i životu bez kemikalija, iako priznaje da je povećala grudi.

Gina iz Gold Coasta u Australiji zasjenit će brojne tinejdžerice i mlade žene kad uđe u prostoriju, a u razgovoru za britanski Mirror otkrila je da svojim savjetima želi pomoći mladim djevojkama. Tvrdi da svoju mladolikost može zahvaliti samo nedostatku kemikalija u životu. Kaže da baš nikad ništa ne pije iz plastične boce niti jede iz plastike.

Mama je 27-godišnjeg Jamesa, 25-godišnje Casey, 22-godišnjeg Codyja i 4-godišnje Summer, a unuk James joj je star 10 mjeseci.

- (Pictured: Gina Stewart, 47 with her 4-year-old daughter, Summer. Gina is from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. She is a single mum of 4 and looks amazing for her age.) - An age-defying glam gran who doesnt have a single grey hair or stretch mark claims her secret is never touching anything PLASTIC. Blonde beauty Gina Stewarts lustrous golden locks, flawless glowing skin and toned physique see her regularly mistaken for a woman half her age. But amazingly the glamour model and single mum-of-four and grandma-of-one, from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, is actually 47., Image: 370272551, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- (Pictured: Gina Stewart, 47 from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia is a single mum of 4 and looks amazing for her age.) - An age-defying glam gran who doesnt have a single grey hair or stretch mark claims her secret is never touching anything PLASTIC. Blonde beauty Gina Stewarts lustrous golden locks, flawless glowing skin and toned physique see her regularly mistaken for a woman half her age. But amazingly the glamour model and single mum-of-four and grandma-of-one, from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, is actually 47., Image: 370272376, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

‘Prirodna koliko god mogu, i iznutra i izvana, mislim da zbog toga izgledam tako mlado. Trudim se izbjegavati plastiku u bilo kojem obliku, koliko god mogu, to je zlo. Ne jedem iz plastike, ne pohranjujem hranu u nju, ne pijem iz plastičnih boca. Nikad plastičnim poklopcem ili folijom neću zatvoriti hranu. To nije dobro za organizam. Plastika utječe na naše hormone i to dovodi do neplodnosti, raka, hormonalne neravnoteže i mnogih drugih problema. Zdrav razum nalaže da kemikalije nisu dobre za naš organizam’, priča Gina.

Svjesna je da je nemoguće u potpunosti izbjegavati plastiku, no trudi se koliko god može. Priznaje da nikad u životu nije popila nijednu kavu, ne puši i gotovo nikad ne pije alkohol. Dnevno pije dvije do tri litre alkalne vode, jede samo organsko voće i povrće te izbjegava svu procesiranu hranu. Kupuje uglavnom bijelo meso koje nije tretirano hormonima, a izbjegava crveno.

- (Pictured: Gina Stewart, 47 from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia is a single mum of 4 and looks amazing for her age.) - An age-defying glam gran who doesnt have a single grey hair or stretch mark claims her secret is never touching anything PLASTIC. Blonde beauty Gina Stewarts lustrous golden locks, flawless glowing skin and toned physique see her regularly mistaken for a woman half her age. But amazingly the glamour model and single mum-of-four and grandma-of-one, from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, is actually 47., Image: 370272374, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

‘Svakodnevno jedem avokado i jaja jer su jako zdravi, a izbjegavam šećer, kruh, tjesteninu i krumpire. U teretani vježbam samo 10 do 20 minuta četiri puta tjedno. Obline su seksi. Kad žene postanu premršave ili premišićave, mislim da onda izgube tu mekanost zbog koje jako brzo ostare’, tvrdi Gina.

Najvažnijim savjetom za mladoliki izgled smatra izbacivanje apsolutno svih kemikalija, koliko je to moguće. Ona je izbacila sve kreme protiv bora kao i lijekove antidepresive koje je pila 16 godina. Koristi ekstrakt biljke Moringe koja navodno sadrži niz proteina, vitamina i minerala kao i antiupalna i antivirusna svojstva. Za svakodnevnu higijenu također koristi organski izrađene proizvode, no povremeno si ugodi omiljenim namirnicama, kao što je kockica čokolade dnevno.

- (Pictured: Gina Stewart, 47 from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia is a single mum of 4 and looks amazing for her age.) - An age-defying glam gran who doesnt have a single grey hair or stretch mark claims her secret is never touching anything PLASTIC. Blonde beauty Gina Stewarts lustrous golden locks, flawless glowing skin and toned physique see her regularly mistaken for a woman half her age. But amazingly the glamour model and single mum-of-four and grandma-of-one, from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, is actually 47., Image: 370272384, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- (Pictured: Gina Stewart, 47 from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia is a single mum of 4 and looks amazing for her age.) - An age-defying glam gran who doesnt have a single grey hair or stretch mark claims her secret is never touching anything PLASTIC. Blonde beauty Gina Stewarts lustrous golden locks, flawless glowing skin and toned physique see her regularly mistaken for a woman half her age. But amazingly the glamour model and single mum-of-four and grandma-of-one, from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, is actually 47., Image: 370272383, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- (Pictured: Gina Stewart, 47 from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia is a single mum of 4 and looks amazing for her age.) - An age-defying glam gran who doesnt have a single grey hair or stretch mark claims her secret is never touching anything PLASTIC. Blonde beauty Gina Stewarts lustrous golden locks, flawless glowing skin and toned physique see her regularly mistaken for a woman half her age. But amazingly the glamour model and single mum-of-four and grandma-of-one, from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, is actually 47., Image: 370272380, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

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31. siječanj 2025 07:34