DRAMATIČNA TRANSFORMACIJA U SAMO ŠEST MJESECI 'Nisam više mogao trčati za svojom djecom, a sada mi govore da izgledam kao 20 godina mlađi student'


Otac troje djece otkrio je dramatičnu transformaciju svog tijela nakon što je prestao jesti brzu hranu jer nije više mogao trčati za svojom djecom.

Jeremiah Peterson (39) iz Montane imao je 127 kilograma prije nego se odlučio na radikalnu promjenu, a silne kilograme natukao je hraneći se nezdravo i ispijajući pivo u kasne noćne sate.

Nakon što je saznao da ima intoleranciju na ugljikohidrate, pizzu i prerađenu hranu zamijenio je za ketogenu prehranu bogatu mastima, proteinima i povrćem.

- (PICTURED: Jeremiah at 280lb his heaviest when he was eating processed foods and drinking two beers a night, within 150 days he had changed his body completely with people telling him he is unrecognisable and 20 years younger) - A formerly-fat father looks 20 years younger thanks to exercise and cutting carbs in incredible HALF-A-YEAR transformation from dad-bod to College-bod. Jeremiah Peterson, 39, from Missoula, Montana, USA, initially changed his habits to keep-up with his three energetic children  now he is unrecognisable after going from rotund to ripped. The father-of-three weighed a whopping 20 stone -280lb- at his heaviest, after quitting exercise, gorging on carb-heavy foods and drinking at least two beers a night. He started his body transformation in July last year after having aching joints and discovering he had an intolerance to carbs. Jeremiah switched pizzas and processed food for a keto diet high in fats, lean protein and carb-free apart from vegetables. Alongside an impressive two-hours of hiking each day and one hour in the gym, helping him to lose an impressive 5st 12 -82lb- that people comment makes him look up to two decades younger. -, Image: 361050607, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: JEREMIAH PETERSON / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Sada bi mu na isklesanoj figuri mogao pozavidjeti bilo koji sportaš, a njegova preobrazba još je nevjerojatnija jer je sve to postigao u samo šest mjeseci.

Svakog dana po dva sata proveo je hodajući, te još sat vremena u teretani, što mu je pomoglo da izgubi 38 kilograma. Oni koji ga poznaju sada komentiraju kako izgleda 20 godina mlađe.

- (PICTURED: Jeremiah at 280lb his heaviest when he was eating processed foods and drinking two beers a night, within 150 days he had changed his body completely with people telling him he is unrecognisable and 20 years younger) - A formerly-fat father looks 20 years younger thanks to exercise and cutting carbs in incredible HALF-A-YEAR transformation from dad-bod to College-bod. Jeremiah Peterson, 39, from Missoula, Montana, USA, initially changed his habits to keep-up with his three energetic children  now he is unrecognisable after going from rotund to ripped. The father-of-three weighed a whopping 20 stone -280lb- at his heaviest, after quitting exercise, gorging on carb-heavy foods and drinking at least two beers a night. He started his body transformation in July last year after having aching joints and discovering he had an intolerance to carbs. Jeremiah switched pizzas and processed food for a keto diet high in fats, lean protein and carb-free apart from vegetables. Alongside an impressive two-hours of hiking each day and one hour in the gym, helping him to lose an impressive 5st 12 -82lb- that people comment makes him look up to two decades younger. -, Image: 361050613, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: JEREMIAH PETERSON / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- Izgledao sam kao srednjovječni muškarac s trbušinom, a sada imam tijelo kao kakav klinac na fakultetu. Sve je bolje otkako sam smršavio, moja kosa i koža izgledaju zdravija, umjesto debelih obraza vidi mi se čeljust, a imam i trbušnjake. Stvarno sam ponosan na svoj trbuh. Prije je bio pravi pivski trbuh no sada ga više nema.

- (PICTURED: Jeremiah at 280lb his heaviest when he was eating processed foods and drinking two beers a night, within 150 days he had changed his body completely with people telling him he is unrecognisable and 20 years younger) - A formerly-fat father looks 20 years younger thanks to exercise and cutting carbs in incredible HALF-A-YEAR transformation from dad-bod to College-bod. Jeremiah Peterson, 39, from Missoula, Montana, USA, initially changed his habits to keep-up with his three energetic children  now he is unrecognisable after going from rotund to ripped. The father-of-three weighed a whopping 20 stone -280lb- at his heaviest, after quitting exercise, gorging on carb-heavy foods and drinking at least two beers a night. He started his body transformation in July last year after having aching joints and discovering he had an intolerance to carbs. Jeremiah switched pizzas and processed food for a keto diet high in fats, lean protein and carb-free apart from vegetables. Alongside an impressive two-hours of hiking each day and one hour in the gym, helping him to lose an impressive 5st 12 -82lb- that people comment makes him look up to two decades younger. -, Image: 361050734, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: JEREMIAH PETERSON / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- Govore mi da izgledam 15 do 20 godina mlađe. Kad gledate rezultate iz tjedna u tjedan u ogledalo dobijete još veću motivaciju. Moja transformacija se dogodila tako brzo jer sam vježbao u teretani bez dana pauze pa sam i brzo izgubio masno tkivo. Provodio sam do tri sata vježbajući. Pješačenje ne izgleda kao neka tjelovježba, no prije sam išao kući i pio pivu da se riješim stresa, a sada hodam i to me jednako opušta.

- (PICTURED: Jeremiah now looks 20 years younger after going from dad bod to college bod - he exercises up to three hours a day - one hour in the gym and two hours hiking with his pet dog - and eats a strict carb free keto diet, his transformation is incredible) - A formerly-fat father looks 20 years younger thanks to exercise and cutting carbs in incredible HALF-A-YEAR transformation from dad-bod to College-bod. Jeremiah Peterson, 39, from Missoula, Montana, USA, initially changed his habits to keep-up with his three energetic children  now he is unrecognisable after going from rotund to ripped. The father-of-three weighed a whopping 20 stone -280lb- at his heaviest, after quitting exercise, gorging on carb-heavy foods and drinking at least two beers a night. He started his body transformation in July last year after having aching joints and discovering he had an intolerance to carbs. Jeremiah switched pizzas and processed food for a keto diet high in fats, lean protein and carb-free apart from vegetables. Alongside an impressive two-hours of hiking each day and one hour in the gym, helping him to lose an impressive 5st 12 -82lb- that people comment makes him look up to two decades younger. -, Image: 361050615, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: JEREMIAH PETERSON / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- Planinarenje mi super dođe jer ne bih mogao ići u teretanu ujutro, pa u podne i navečer. Sada imam puno više samopouzdanja i imam više energije. uvijek smo bili aktivna obitelj, no kad sam prije planinario s djecom, oni bi jurili na planinu, a ja sam ostajao bez daha. Moja crijeva nisu probavljala hranu kako treba, pa bih pet minuta nakon objeda često završio na wc-u. Nakon kolonoskopije ispalo je da sam alergičan na gluten i imam reakciju na svu prerađenu hranu. Vježbanje i dijeta bila mi je jedina opcija.

- (PICTURED: Jeremiah now looks 20 years younger after going from dad bod to college bod - he exercises up to three hours a day - one hour in the gym and two hours hiking with his pet dog - and eats a strict carb free keto diet, his transformation is incredible) - A formerly-fat father looks 20 years younger thanks to exercise and cutting carbs in incredible HALF-A-YEAR transformation from dad-bod to College-bod. Jeremiah Peterson, 39, from Missoula, Montana, USA, initially changed his habits to keep-up with his three energetic children  now he is unrecognisable after going from rotund to ripped. The father-of-three weighed a whopping 20 stone -280lb- at his heaviest, after quitting exercise, gorging on carb-heavy foods and drinking at least two beers a night. He started his body transformation in July last year after having aching joints and discovering he had an intolerance to carbs. Jeremiah switched pizzas and processed food for a keto diet high in fats, lean protein and carb-free apart from vegetables. Alongside an impressive two-hours of hiking each day and one hour in the gym, helping him to lose an impressive 5st 12 -82lb- that people comment makes him look up to two decades younger. -, Image: 361050740, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: JEREMIAH PETERSON / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- Od dva piva dnevno i kolača za vikend, kao i ugljikohidrata i prerađene hrane, moji kilogrami su se gomilali. Sada sam pun energije unatoč pješačenju i budim se u 5 ujutro, a liježem u 22 sata. Prije sam bio stalno umoran i bio mi je potreban poslijepodnevni san - kazao je Jeremiah koji je promjenu zabilježio na stranici mytransphormationstartstoday.com koja mu je pomogla s planom prehrane i vježbanja.

Priznaje da su ga privukle i novčane nagrade koje dobivaju natjecatelji, a dosad je u 150-dnevnom izazovu zaradio impresivnih 50.000 dolara.

- Glavni motiv bilo je moje zdravlje, no 50.000 mi je isto dobro došlo - kazao je Peterson i poručio svima da ako je on uspio, svatko može.

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14. ožujak 2025 17:44