NA DIJETI STE, ALI NE GUBITE KILE? Ove fotografije jasno će vam pokazati zašto je to tako, a otkrivaju i najčešće krivce za debljanje


Postoje dva načina na koji ljudi idu na dijetu, piše Slobodna Dalmacija.

Prva skupina ne ostavlja prostora za neuspjeh, pa krene jako, a to je u ovome slučaju izgladnjivanje. Jednostavno je, što manje jedeš, manje bi jeo, pa kili (voda) sami krenu dolje. Nakon početne euforije, koja može trajati i do nekoliko mjeseci, krenu pak problemi.

Loše se osjećate, pretjerano znojite, vidite zvjezdice, a blaga mantavica postala vam je uobičajeno stanje? Nije ni čudo, gladni ste.

Druga skupina odluči se pak postupiti 'ispravno', pa natrpaju frižider svom silom zdravih namirnica, jaja, avokada, namaza od badema, orašastih plodova i ostalom 'zdravom' hranom.

Ako ima naljepnicu 'bio', još bolje. Pa jutro započnu obilnom kajganom i tostom (integralnim, naravno), a u pauzi do ručka grickaju oraščiće. Zatim ručak, obilno začinjen i pun cjelovitih žitarica, a morate se počastiti i desertom. Tamna čokolada je zdrava, pa zašto umjesto dva reda ne biste pojeli tri?

Nije ni čudo da 'tvroglavi' kilogrami nikako ne kreću dolje.

U prvome slučaju vaše je tijelo u blagome šoku, došlo je do određene težine gdje je jednostavno stalo, a kako bi sagorijevalo kalorije, treba ih i unositi ponešto.

Druga opcija predstavlja pak jednu od najčešćih zabluda. Istina, neke su namirnice zdrave, ali u kojim količinama? Šaka orašastih plodova ima gotovo 300 kalorija, a preporučeni dnevni unos je oko 2000.

Pa vi razmislite.

Same calories BUT 9x the volume on the left! Follow my girl for more info like this and plenty of meal prep ideas ❤ Info on this post below: . Calorie dense foods (like nuts + dried fruits) can be a convenient way to snack when you're on the go, but, in my experience they can be easy to overeat. They also don't contain nearly as much protein as people think. The nuts + dried fruit on the right are from a single serving snack pack I bought at the grocery store. The pack contained almonds, macadamian nuts, Brazil nuts and dried fruit (although it's hard to see in the picture) The package the nuts + fruits stated: 517 calories: 43C/34F/10P . 90% of the time I prefer more volume because, it helps with satiety, reduces feelings of deprivation and leads to higher success rates and compliance when trying to stick with reduced calories. #justgetfitcarbs . My meal on the left includes: 1 whole egg, 1 egg white, 1 bell pepper, 2 laughing cow cheese wedges, 3 small slices of bread, 2 Tbsp. humus + 90 grams avocado. 520: 43C/26F/28P . The point of this isn't to scare you into avoiding nuts. It's just good to keep in mind: the serving size and type of nuts and dried fruit you consume. Just like volume eating isn't for everyone, big handfuls of nuts aren't for everyone so do you, boo. ♥ . . . . . . . . #volumeeating #calories #portioncontrol #eatright #fuelyourbody #healthyrecipe #flexiblediet #fbf @JustGet.Fit #weightlossfood #fillingandhealthy#weightwatchers #eeeeats #cleaneating #youarewhatyoueat #caloriecounting #healthyfood #weightloss #flexibledieting #eatwelllivewell #iifym #weightlossmotivation #vegetarian #nutrition #vegetarianrecipes #mealprep #mealprepmonday #caloriecounting #fitfood #healthyfats

A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on

Similar volume, different calories! ❤ Both meals are good for you, I’m just pointing out differences to either save you calories or add more calories if you need more for the day Info below: . Lower Calorie Meal: 1 spiralized zucchini 1 cup cherry tomatoes 1 cup broccoli 1 cup marinara sauce 3.5 oz wild king salmon . Higher Calorie Meal: 1 1/2 spiralized sweet potatoes 9 olives 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes 1 cup broccoli 1 cup marinara sauce 5 oz wild king salmon . Inspired by @movingdietitian . To save calories: Do veggies noodles instead of sweet potato or pasta. Watch your protein serving. Skip the extra olives or extra fats for more veggies. #mealprepmonday #mealdiary #fooddiary #mealprep #mealprepideas #cleaneating #fitnessmeals #food #foodporn #healthyfood #gymfood #fastfood #fitfoodporn #cleaneats #macros #cleaneating #foodprep #foodforfuel #mealpreponfleek #fitfoodporn #foodfacts #caloriecounting

A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on

Spot the difference Kind of crazy how small changes can really add up! Whether you want to add more calories or eat less, here is an example & some of my tips: . Lower cal meal: 2 eggs + 2 egg whites scrambled 1 piece Ezekiel toast 1/2 an avocado 1 honey crisp apple . Higher cal meal: 4 eggs + 2 egg whites scrambled 1 piece Ezekiel toast 1 whole avocado 1 honey crisp apple 2 tbsp peanut butter . Tips to save calories: Swap out some eggs for egg whites (egg whites are only 17 calories per one) Don’t pack on too much fat (1/2 or 1/4 an avocado is plenty for this meal!) Even though there’s no coffee displayed, watch out for the extra oils or creamer which can add calories too. . Inspired by @movingdietitian . . #healthyfood #breakfast #cleaneating #brunch #lunch #morning #fitfood #dinner #yum #foodpic #eat #tasty #eggs #weightloss #foodpics #healthychoices #foodgasm #healthybreakfast #nutrition #fresh #eating #healthylifestyle #delish #hungry #healthyeating #fruit #foodblogger #exercise #foodphotography

A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on

Can you spot the difference? Here’s a great example of how you can customize your meal to meet your caloric goals . 2 Things to think about when determining your meal calories (or portion size) 1 - How many meals am I eating today? 2 - What is my calorie total for the day? That should determine around what amount of calories you eat in one meal. . Tips for lowering calories: ⁃Sub in more veggies instead of carbs! I.e. lower calorie salad has triple the tomatoes and double the bell peppers but half the beans. - Watch the healthy fats. The right amount of healthy fats are key but the calories add up quick. Higher calorie salad has triple the hummus, additional 1 tbsp olive oil & additional 1/4 avocado. - Find an appropriate amount of protein. 3/4 a cup is equal to about 4oz. . Lower calorie salad: 3 cups spinach 4oz chicken 1 1/2 cups tomatoes 1/2 cup black beans 1 yellow bell pepper 1 tbsp hummus 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 2 mini bell peppers . Higher calorie salad: 3 cups spinach 6oz chicken 1/2 cups tomatoes 1 cup black beans 1/2 yellow bell pepper 3 tbsp hummus 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 mini bell peppers . --- Inspired by the talented @movingdietitian . --- #mealprepmonday #mealdiary #fooddiary #mealprep #mealprepideas #cleaneating #fitnessmeals #food #foodporn #healthyfood #gymfood #fastfood #fitfoodporn #cleaneats #macros #cleaneating #foodprep #foodforfuel #mealpreponfleek #fitfoodporn #foodfacts #caloriecounting

A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on

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20. rujan 2024 19:46