INSPIRATIVAN POTEZ HRABRE DJEVOJKE Tijelo joj je prekriveno ožiljcima: 'Sad sam ponosna na njih, ovo je prvi put da sam u bikiniju'

 Michelle Elman/Instagram

Michelle Elman, 21-godišnja Britanka i life coach, pati od bolesti mozga koja se zove hidrocefalus, a koju karakterizira povećanje udjela vode u lubanji radi kojeg dolazi do oštećenja mozga. Nakon liječenja tumora, zapetljaja crijeva te zatvora Michelleino je tijelo ostalo prekriveno ožiljcima.

Elman su tijekom cijelog njezinog života govorili da ljudi s ožiljcima ne mogu nositi bikinije. U objavi na Instagramu, Elman je objasnila da su joj njezini ožiljci već neugodne trenutke tijekom adolescencije učinili još neugodnijima, prenosi The Sun.

When you tell people that you have had 15 surgeries from a brain tumour, a punctured intestine, an obstructed bowel, a cyst in my brain and a condition called hydrocephalus, people respond in a number of ways: shock, pity, sadness, sympathy, empathy but mostly - kindness. When I take off my top, it’s often the opposite. First there is shock, because despite me sharing my story, most people do not equate surgeries with surgery scars. Despite prewarning them about my medical trauma, they don’t expect the scars that come with it. This is why I launched Scarred Not Scared because for people to understand, this conversation needs visibility and for this to be a broader conversation, I wanted to include all kinds of scars. In this video, I share the story behind acne scars, a mo-ped accident, cancer, heart surgery and my own. Please check out the link in the bio, this video couldn’t have been possible without the bravery of the individuals involved and 6 months of hard work from Red Flag to create this beautiful video. #scarrednotscared THE LINK IS IN MY BIO, GO CHECK IT OUT

A photo posted by BoPo w/ Michelle Elman (@mindsetforlifeltd) on Mar 9, 2016 at 9:18am PST

'Kada sam prvi puta morala skinuti majicu ispred dečka osjećala sam se potpuno izoliranom u svijetu u kojem sam se već osjećala neshvaćeno', rekla je Elman.

Prošle je godine međutim Michelle odlučila prigrliti svoje ožiljke te je obukla bikini prvi put ikad. Naučila je voljeti sebe i sada se nada da će moći inspirirati druge da za sebe učine isto.

A short introduction to all my new followers from the Go Pro giveaway - it's still running so go check out the previous photo if you want in! I am Michelle and I am a body confidence coach. I have had 15 surgeries, a brain tumour, a punctured intestine, an obstructed bowel and a cyst in my brain and I went viral a month ago with my campaign Scarred Not Scared. I shared my story of wearing a bikini for the first time and fully embracing my scars and the campaign was featured in Cosmo, People, The Today Show, The Independent, MTV, Buzzfeed, The Mirror, just to name a few. It was shared by Zooey Deschanel and liked by Tess Holliday, Loey Lane and Sprinkle of Glitter! Scarred not Scared went viral worldwide with features in Portugal, Israel, Belgium, Netherlands and Italy. Scarred Not Scared had a mission to get people to embrace their scars and bare them with pride! I believe that, together, that is what we have achieved... And I have no plans of stopping! See the original post by checking out #scarrednotscared

A photo posted by BoPo w/ Michelle Elman (@mindsetforlifeltd) on Aug 11, 2015 at 8:18am PDT

Elman sada putem svojeg Instagram profila sa svojih 10 tisuća pratitelja dijeli savjete o tome kako se bolje osjećati u svojem tijelu, a savjetuje i kreiranje 'tegle za psovanje'.

No, umjesto punjenja tegle novcem kada psujete, Elman sugerira da je napunite novcem svaki put kada nešto negativno kažete o svojem izgledu.

Who needs this jar??

'Svaka osoba ima ožiljke, bilo da se radi o emotivnim ili fizičkim ožiljcima. Oni su dio naše priče i trebali bismo biti ponosni na njih', objašnjava Michelle. 'Vjerujem da se nitko ne bi trebao sramniti svog tijela, bilo da imate strije ili ožiljak od carskog reza.'

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21. rujan 2024 05:02