FOTO, VIDEO: TEŠKO BOLESNU DJECU TRANSFORMIRAO U SUPERHEROJE Fotograf poklonio supermoći hrabrim mališanima i vratio im osmijeh na lice

 Screenshot Facebook / Profimedia

Fotograf i digitalni umjetnik Josh Rossi okupio je šestero djece, koja boluju od teških bolesti i kojima je život ugrožen, te ih fotografirao kao članove Lige pravde (Justice League).

Rossi je sa suprugom Roxanom pokrenuo projekt kojim su šestero teško bolesne djece transformirali u superheroje. Ideju su dobili kad je iz zezancije svoju kćer Nellee, koja se za Noć vještica maskirala u Wonder Woman, fotografirao, a potom digitalno dodao dramatičnu pozadinu.

Počeli su im se javljati roditelji bolesne djece hvaleći njegovu ideju i govoreći da su sva djeca superheroji. Tako su Josh i Roxana odlučili stvoriti posebne uspomene djeci i njihovim obiteljima, koji se bore s teškim dijagnozama.

Preko obitelji i poznatih pronašli su bolesnu djecu koja su mogla sudjelovati u projektu. Njihove su slabosti pretvorili u prednosti pa je primjerice devetogodišnjak s bolesti srca koja mu ugrožava život, postao Superman.

Josh Rossi with Batman and Superman. AS HYPE for the upcoming superhero blockbuster ramps up images and video have captured real-life superheroes as sick children are dressed up as the Justice League. The heart-warming pictures show the kids dressing up as their favourite heroes including Superman and Batman and taking part in their very own photo shoot. The feel-good video shows the mini superheroes being shown the final movie posters for the first time with their priceless reactions captured on film. The project was carried out by photographer Josh Rossi after people contacted him when he did a Wonder Woman shoot with his daughter. Josh Rossi / mediadrumworld.com, Image: 346433230, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World
Josh Rossi s Batmanom i Supermanom

Svako je dijete odabralo omiljenog člana Lige pravde.

Devetogodišnji Teagan pozirao je u odijelu Supermana. Teagan je snažan, no hrabro se bori s bolešću srca koja zapravo na njemu nije vidljiva.

Superman Justice League. AS HYPE for the upcoming superhero blockbuster ramps up images and video have captured real-life superheroes as sick children are dressed up as the Justice League. The heart-warming pictures show the kids dressing up as their favourite heroes including Superman and Batman and taking part in their very own photo shoot. The feel-good video shows the mini superheroes being shown the final movie posters for the first time with their priceless reactions captured on film. The project was carried out by photographer Josh Rossi after people contacted him when he did a Wonder Woman shoot with his daughter. Josh Rossi / mediadrumworld.com, Image: 346433210, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World
Teagan (9) kao Superman

Osmogodišnji Zaiden bori se s ADHD-om i obožava trčati. Zato je on postao Flash.

Flash Justice League. AS HYPE for the upcoming superhero blockbuster ramps up images and video have captured real-life superheroes as sick children are dressed up as the Justice League. The heart-warming pictures show the kids dressing up as their favourite heroes including Superman and Batman and taking part in their very own photo shoot. The feel-good video shows the mini superheroes being shown the final movie posters for the first time with their priceless reactions captured on film. The project was carried out by photographer Josh Rossi after people contacted him when he did a Wonder Woman shoot with his daughter. Josh Rossi / mediadrumworld.com, Image: 346433191, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World
Zaiden (8) kao Flash

Četverogodišnja Sophie postala je Wonder Woman. Ona se pak hrabro bori protiv rabdomiosarkoma, rijetkog oblika raka koji može nastati iz gotovo svake vrste mišićnog tkiva, na bilo kojem mjestu.

Wonder Woman Justice League. AS HYPE for the upcoming superhero blockbuster ramps up images and video have captured real-life superheroes as sick children are dressed up as the Justice League. The heart-warming pictures show the kids dressing up as their favourite heroes including Superman and Batman and taking part in their very own photo shoot. The feel-good video shows the mini superheroes being shown the final movie posters for the first time with their priceless reactions captured on film. The project was carried out by photographer Josh Rossi after people contacted him when he did a Wonder Woman shoot with his daughter. Josh Rossi / mediadrumworld.com, Image: 346433223, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World
Sophie (4) kao Wonder Woman

Petogodišnji Kaiden rodio se s omfalokelom, stanjem uslijed kojeg se trbušni organi razvijaju van tijela. Da bi mu spasili život, liječnici su mu amputirali obje noge. On je postao Cyborg.

Cyborg Justice League. AS HYPE for the upcoming superhero blockbuster ramps up images and video have captured real-life superheroes as sick children are dressed up as the Justice League. The heart-warming pictures show the kids dressing up as their favourite heroes including Superman and Batman and taking part in their very own photo shoot. The feel-good video shows the mini superheroes being shown the final movie posters for the first time with their priceless reactions captured on film. The project was carried out by photographer Josh Rossi after people contacted him when he did a Wonder Woman shoot with his daughter. Josh Rossi / mediadrumworld.com, Image: 346433186, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World
Kaiden (5) kao Cyborg

Petogodišnji Simon boluje od neuroblastoma i bori se protiv raka poput Batmana.

Batman Justice League. AS HYPE for the upcoming superhero blockbuster ramps up images and video have captured real-life superheroes as sick children are dressed up as the Justice League. The heart-warming pictures show the kids dressing up as their favourite heroes including Superman and Batman and taking part in their very own photo shoot. The feel-good video shows the mini superheroes being shown the final movie posters for the first time with their priceless reactions captured on film. The project was carried out by photographer Josh Rossi after people contacted him when he did a Wonder Woman shoot with his daughter. Josh Rossi / mediadrumworld.com, Image: 346433182, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World
Simon (5) kao Batman

Dvogodišnja Mataese bori se s rijetkim oblikom leukemije i pozirala je kao Aquaman.

Aquaman Justice League. AS HYPE for the upcoming superhero blockbuster ramps up images and video have captured real-life superheroes as sick children are dressed up as the Justice League. The heart-warming pictures show the kids dressing up as their favourite heroes including Superman and Batman and taking part in their very own photo shoot. The feel-good video shows the mini superheroes being shown the final movie posters for the first time with their priceless reactions captured on film. The project was carried out by photographer Josh Rossi after people contacted him when he did a Wonder Woman shoot with his daughter. Josh Rossi / mediadrumworld.com, Image: 346433168, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World
Mataese (2) kao Aquaman

Rossi i supruga htjeli su kod svakog djeteta naglasiti snagu i moć, te ‘slabosti pretvoriti u prednosti’. Nakon ovog projekta osmislili su novi - seriju fotografija zlostavljane djece u ulogama superheroja.

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13. ožujak 2025 01:55