FOTO: UPOZNAJTE 'CRNU BARBIE' Amerikanka na estetske zahvate potrošila skoro tri milijuna kuna: 'Ništa na meni ne 'vrišti' da izgledam jeftino'

 Profimedia, Media Drum World

Sybil Stallone iz Las Vegasa imala je samo 20 godina kad je prvi put otišla pod nož. Ova glumica u filmovima za odrasle danas je 30-godišnjakinja i ponosno ističe kako je na sebi korigirala sve što je mogla - stražnjicu, obraze, bradu, usne, nos i grudi, prenosi britanski The Daily Star. Na estetske zahvate do danas je, kaže, potrošila čak 399.000 eura (nešto manje od tri milijuna kuna).

- Neizmjerno sam ponosna na svoju tjelesnu i radnu etiku. Linija mi je besprijekorna, zato je rado i ističem, osobito grudi, koje sam nekoliko puta povećala pa sad nosim košarice grudnjaka u veličini 36F - rekla je Sybil.

Ovu Amerikanku na Instagramu prati više od milijun ljudi, a ona kaže kako na račun "plastičnog" izgleda dobiva samo vrlo pozitivne komentare.

- Zovu me crnom Barbie, zbog boje kose i plavih očiju... Obrazovana sam i profinjena, ništa na meni ne 'vrišti' da izgledam jeftino... Vjerujem da je estetska kirurgija oblik umjetnosti i zbilja mi pomaže da dobijem što bolje poslove. Zato mi nije žao uložiti novac u sebe - zaključila je Stallone i otkrila kako joj je, barem što se estetike tiče, najveći uzor pjevačica Cher (72).

Sybil pictured modelling post-surgery. MEET THE self-declared ‘classy’ adult actress who has spent nearly £400K on full-body plastic surgery to enhance her career and look like her idol Cher. Entertainer, Sybil Stallone (30), from Las Vegas, USA, was just 20-years-old when she had the desire to begin her plastic surgery journey and claims that surgery is an ‘art form’. Since then she has had a butt lift, cheek, chin and lip fillers, a nose job and a boob job that has increased her bra size from a D-cup to a G-cup. She has spent over £399K (0K) on her surgery. She embarked on a career as a Playboy model after she completed her marketing/business master’s degree in California and has since signed with various men’s magazines. / Mike Tang, Image: 404360639, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World

Sybil pictured modelling post-surgery (2). MEET THE self-declared ‘classy’ adult actress who has spent nearly £400K on full-body plastic surgery to enhance her career and look like her idol Cher. Entertainer, Sybil Stallone (30), from Las Vegas, USA, was just 20-years-old when she had the desire to begin her plastic surgery journey and claims that surgery is an ‘art form’. Since then she has had a butt lift, cheek, chin and lip fillers, a nose job and a boob job that has increased her bra size from a D-cup to a G-cup. She has spent over £399K (0K) on her surgery. She embarked on a career as a Playboy model after she completed her marketing/business master’s degree in California and has since signed with various men’s magazines. / Mike Tang, Image: 404360650, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World

Sybil pictured modelling post-surgery (5). MEET THE self-declared ‘classy’ adult actress who has spent nearly £400K on full-body plastic surgery to enhance her career and look like her idol Cher. Entertainer, Sybil Stallone (30), from Las Vegas, USA, was just 20-years-old when she had the desire to begin her plastic surgery journey and claims that surgery is an ‘art form’. Since then she has had a butt lift, cheek, chin and lip fillers, a nose job and a boob job that has increased her bra size from a D-cup to a G-cup. She has spent over £399K (0K) on her surgery. She embarked on a career as a Playboy model after she completed her marketing/business master’s degree in California and has since signed with various men’s magazines. / Mike Tang, Image: 404360680, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World

Sybil pictured (on the second left) before her plastic surgery. MEET THE self-declared ‘classy’ adult actress who has spent nearly £400K on full-body plastic surgery to enhance her career and look like her idol Cher. Entertainer, Sybil Stallone (30), from Las Vegas, USA, was just 20-years-old when she had the desire to begin her plastic surgery journey and claims that surgery is an ‘art form’. Since then she has had a butt lift, cheek, chin and lip fillers, a nose job and a boob job that has increased her bra size from a D-cup to a G-cup. She has spent over £399K (0K) on her surgery. She embarked on a career as a Playboy model after she completed her marketing/business master’s degree in California and has since signed with various men’s magazines. / Sybil Stallone, Image: 404360749, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World
Sybil Stallone prije estetskih zahvata

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19. veljača 2025 21:32