FOTO: POP PJEVAČICA STAVILA FILERE U USNICE PA DOBILA TEŠKU INFEKCIJU 'Idućeg jutra poljubičastile su, a gnojni mjehurići počeli su se širiti...'

 Profimedia, Caters News

Pop pjevačica iz Velike Britanije, Saysha Williams (23), zadobila je bolne i gnojne rane po licu nakon što je bila na proceduri povećanja usnica. To je učinila jer je bila nezadovoljna njihovim izgledom, no završila je s natečenim usnama i gnojnim mjehurićima, te sada upozorava ostale kako im se ne bi dogodilo isto što i njoj.

Grozan osip počeo se širiti njezinim licem, a liječnici su joj dijagnosticirali Impetigo, odnosno gnojnu bakterijsku infekciju površinskog sloja kože.

(PICTURED: Saysha Williams, 23, from Cambridge now) -A young woman is warning others of the risks involved with having lip fillers after the procedure left her with an infection covering her face. Saysha Williams, 23, was eager to undergo the procedure after months of feeling unhappy with her appearance but instead was left in agony when he lips became blistered and she was diagnosed with a severe Impetigo infection., Image: 359688992, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Williams vjeruje kako je infekcija posljedica nedostatka higijene u kozmetičkom salonu gdje su joj u kolovozu 2016. stavljali filere (ne napominje koje vrste).

- Rekli su mi da će mi usnice nateći na nekoliko dana, a kasnije te večeri još sam osjećala utrnutost od procedure. Malo sam pretraživala po internetu da vidim je li to normalno, no već mi se dotad trebao vratiti osjet. Idućeg dana probudila sam se s ljubičastim usnicama i bijelim mjehurićem ispod nosa koji je s vremenom postajao sve veći i bolniji, a oko usta i nosa pojavile su se kraste.

(PICTURED: Saysha Williamss blistered lips after having lip fillers at a beauty parlour, in Cambridge, in August 2016 ) -A young woman is warning others of the risks involved with having lip fillers after the procedure left her with an infection covering her face. Saysha Williams, 23, was eager to undergo the procedure after months of feeling unhappy with her appearance but instead was left in agony when he lips became blistered and she was diagnosed with a severe Impetigo infection., Image: 359688998, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Infekcija je postala sve gora, a gnojni mjehurići raširili su se po njezinom licu. I u njezinim ustima pojavili su se bolni čirevi zbog čega je prestala jesti.

- Izgledala sam kao gušter, a bol je bila neizdrživa. Na kraju sam pozvala hitnu i odvezli su me u bolnicu. Rekli su mi da sam dobila tešku bakterijsku infekciju te da mi se upalilo i grlo. Dali su mi jake antibiotike i kortikosteroidnu kremu te tablete protiv bolova. Da bar nikad nisam išla povećati usnice, sad kad pogledam unatrag, bile su sasvim u redu.

(PICTURED: Saysha Williamss blistered lips after having lip fillers at a beauty parlour, in Cambridge, in August 2016 ) -A young woman is warning others of the risks involved with having lip fillers after the procedure left her with an infection covering her face. Saysha Williams, 23, was eager to undergo the procedure after months of feeling unhappy with her appearance but instead was left in agony when he lips became blistered and she was diagnosed with a severe Impetigo infection., Image: 359689000, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD01000a9a0d0000b9be00000e5b0100c8660100916c0100bab401005df00200a620030084450300275e0300c0f70500, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

(PICTURED: Saysha Williams went to the Prince of Wales hospital in Cambridge where she was told she had thrush at the back of her throat.) -A young woman is warning others of the risks involved with having lip fillers after the procedure left her with an infection covering her face. Saysha Williams, 23, was eager to undergo the procedure after months of feeling unhappy with her appearance but instead was left in agony when he lips became blistered and she was diagnosed with a severe Impetigo infection., Image: 359688978, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- Podlegla sam pritisku društvenih mreža i slavnih osoba zbog kojih osjećamo da moramo napraviti drastične promjene na našem tijelu - kazala je.

Infekcija se povukla no ožiljci na njezinom licu su ostali.

(PICTURED: Saysha Williams, 23, from Cambridge now) -A young woman is warning others of the risks involved with having lip fillers after the procedure left her with an infection covering her face. Saysha Williams, 23, was eager to undergo the procedure after months of feeling unhappy with her appearance but instead was left in agony when he lips became blistered and she was diagnosed with a severe Impetigo infection., Image: 359689011, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- Ožiljci na gornjoj usnici će ostati tu do kraja mog života i sad mi je teško nanijeti ruž. Trebalo je tri tjedna da zacijele, no više nikad neće biti iste.

- Ljudi ignoriraju upozorenja, no kad vide moje fotografije barem će promisliti dva puta. Nemojte raditi nešto samo zato što je trendi. Ovo cijelo iskustvo naučilo me da volim sebe i sada sam puno samopouzdanija i sretnija sa svojim izgledom - zaključila je.

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11. ožujak 2025 09:13