FOTO: OVA KRALJICA VISINA ZALJUBLJENA JE - U HRVATSKU! Zgodna pilotkinja iz Kanade našu zemlju opisala kao 'raj u kojem je provela godišnji iz snova'


Emilie Christine (31) iz kanadskog Toronta već osam godina gradi vrlo uspješnu karijeru kao pilotkinja, a kao najveće prednosti svojega posla ističe putovanja te mogućnost upoznavanja novih ljudi i kultura.

Međutim, ova lijepa prva časnica također kaže kako se često morala dokazivati, osobito muškarcima, jer žene su, nažalost, i dalje manjina u avijatičarskom svijetu.

- Nikad nisam doživjela spolnu diskriminaciju u pravom smislu te riječi, ali iz iskustva mogu reći da je ženama često puno teže proći na natječajima za posao samo zato jer su - žene - izjavila je svojedobno Emilie.

TORONTO, CANADA: Emilie in the cockpit. THIS FEMALE pilot who has visited THIRTY-FIVE countries has propelled herself to Instagram fame after sharing pictures of her adventures in the cockpit with her 36.8K followers but says she has had to try harder to prove herself to her colleagues because of her gender. First officer, Emilie Christine (31) from Toronto, Canada, has been a pilot for eight-years after achieving her private pilot’s licence in 2011 followed by her commercial pilot’s licence in 2012 and loves everything about her career, from the travel opportunities it affords and the different people in the industry that she gets to meet. However, Emilie who loves travelling and adventure didn’t always know she wanted to be a pilot but after working as a registered massage therapist for a couple of years in her early twenties decided to pursue a career in flying. Although Emilie doesn’t feel like she’s been discriminated against due to her gender, she says that because women in aviation are still so few and far between she feels like she has had to work harder to prove herself to other people when she was training with mainly men and when competing for jobs. Emilie shares her travels and adventures in the skies on Instagram under the handle, @pilotemilie, and so far, she has visited 35 countries and hopes to up this to 50 over the next four years. Stunning pictures show Emilie in the cockpit, standing in the aisles and on her latest travels to Croatia. mediadrumworld.com / @pilotemilie, Image: 426233198, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World
Emilie Christine

TORONTO, CANADA: Emilie decided to become a pilot after working as a massage therapist for a couple of years. THIS FEMALE pilot who has visited THIRTY-FIVE countries has propelled herself to Instagram fame after sharing pictures of her adventures in the cockpit with her 36.8K followers but says she has had to try harder to prove herself to her colleagues because of her gender. First officer, Emilie Christine (31) from Toronto, Canada, has been a pilot for eight-years after achieving her private pilot’s licence in 2011 followed by her commercial pilot’s licence in 2012 and loves everything about her career, from the travel opportunities it affords and the different people in the industry that she gets to meet. However, Emilie who loves travelling and adventure didn’t always know she wanted to be a pilot but after working as a registered massage therapist for a couple of years in her early twenties decided to pursue a career in flying. Although Emilie doesn’t feel like she’s been discriminated against due to her gender, she says that because women in aviation are still so few and far between she feels like she has had to work harder to prove herself to other people when she was training with mainly men and when competing for jobs. Emilie shares her travels and adventures in the skies on Instagram under the handle, @pilotemilie, and so far, she has visited 35 countries and hopes to up this to 50 over the next four years. Stunning pictures show Emilie in the cockpit, standing in the aisles and on her latest travels to Croatia. mediadrumworld.com / @pilotemilie, Image: 426233190, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World
Emilie Christine

TORONTO, CANADA: Emilie in the cockpit. THIS FEMALE pilot who has visited THIRTY-FIVE countries has propelled herself to Instagram fame after sharing pictures of her adventures in the cockpit with her 36.8K followers but says she has had to try harder to prove herself to her colleagues because of her gender. First officer, Emilie Christine (31) from Toronto, Canada, has been a pilot for eight-years after achieving her private pilot’s licence in 2011 followed by her commercial pilot’s licence in 2012 and loves everything about her career, from the travel opportunities it affords and the different people in the industry that she gets to meet. However, Emilie who loves travelling and adventure didn’t always know she wanted to be a pilot but after working as a registered massage therapist for a couple of years in her early twenties decided to pursue a career in flying. Although Emilie doesn’t feel like she’s been discriminated against due to her gender, she says that because women in aviation are still so few and far between she feels like she has had to work harder to prove herself to other people when she was training with mainly men and when competing for jobs. Emilie shares her travels and adventures in the skies on Instagram under the handle, @pilotemilie, and so far, she has visited 35 countries and hopes to up this to 50 over the next four years. Stunning pictures show Emilie in the cockpit, standing in the aisles and on her latest travels to Croatia. mediadrumworld.com / @pilotemilie, Image: 426233195, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World
Emilie Christine

A prije nego što je postala pilotkinja, ova Kanađanka nekoliko godina radila je kao masažna terapeutkinja. Danas njezine avanture na Instagramu prati više od 41.000 pratitelja, a među fotografijama iz 35 zemalja, koliko ih je dosad posjetila, ističu se i one iz Lijepe naše.

Naime, Emilie je na društvenoj mreži navelike nahvalila Hrvatsku nazvavši je "rajem u kojem je provela godišnji odmor iz snova".

Njezine bajkovite fotografije iz Pule, Skradina te nacionalnih parkova Risnjaka, Paklenice i Krke oduševile su mnoge, a po pozitivnim dojmovima koje je ova pilotkinja stekla o Hrvatskoj, velika je vjerojatnost da će se u Lijepu našu vratiti - vrlo brzo.

Posebnu je pozornost izazvala jedna fotografija iz Galebove spilje kod Pule koju je Emilie nazvala 'nestvarnom'.

- Znala sam da je lijepo, ali ovo mjesto me oduševilo...

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22. veljača 2025 01:41