FOTO: NEĆETE VJEROVATI KOLIKO OVA LJEPOTICA IMA GODINA 'Frajeri mi se stalno upucavaju, a moja tajna je što jedem samo sirovo' / Alejandra L / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Alejandri Labastidi-Shapiro često govore da je blizanka svoje kćeri, a ona tajnu dobrog izgleda duguje sirovoj hrani.

Ova 55-godišnja instruktorica pilatesa godinama ne jede prerađenu hranu i šećer, a gotovo isključivo jede sirovo voće i povrće.

Alejandra pictured in a bikini. THIS GRAN swears by a RAW FOOD diet to keep her looking youthful - and the flirtatious advances she receives from MEN and being mistaken for her daughter’s sister prove it’s working. Pilates instructor, Alejandra Labastida-Shapiro (55) who lives in Chicago, Illinois, USA, began her journey to live a healthy lifestyle when she was just 10 years old when her father would encourage her to run with him. Growing up with healthy parents who would use natural remedies and medicinal herbs to avoid future sicknesses and injuries, educated Alejandra about the world of fitness and diets. While she initially chose this lifestyle for vanity reasons, as she grew older, she began to re-shift her focus to improve her health. In 2000, Alejandra, who is a mum to three adults; Roberto (34), Alejandra (32) and Mauricio (25), was introduced to Pilates through a friend, which she fell in love with. She avoids any processed food and sugar and consumes mainly raw and organic food. Her youthful figure has prompted many advances from men who give her compliments on her appearance and has even received flowers from a secret admirer. / Alejandra Labastida-Shapiro, Image: 474475303, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: / Alejandra L / Media Drum World / Profimedia / Alejandra L / Media Drum World / Profimedia

"Stalno mi se frajeri upucavaju tako da očito radim dobro", smije se mladolika baka i dodaje da je imala i tajnog obožavatelja koji joj je redovito slao cvijeće.

Alejandra pictured in a bikini on a beach at the age of 55. THIS GRAN swears by a RAW FOOD diet to keep her looking youthful - and the flirtatious advances she receives from MEN and being mistaken for her daughter’s sister prove it’s working. Pilates instructor, Alejandra Labastida-Shapiro (55) who lives in Chicago, Illinois, USA, began her journey to live a healthy lifestyle when she was just 10 years old when her father would encourage her to run with him. Growing up with healthy parents who would use natural remedies and medicinal herbs to avoid future sicknesses and injuries, educated Alejandra about the world of fitness and diets. While she initially chose this lifestyle for vanity reasons, as she grew older, she began to re-shift her focus to improve her health. In 2000, Alejandra, who is a mum to three adults; Roberto (34), Alejandra (32) and Mauricio (25), was introduced to Pilates through a friend, which she fell in love with. She avoids any processed food and sugar and consumes mainly raw and organic food. Her youthful figure has prompted many advances from men who give her compliments on her appearance and has even received flowers from a secret admirer. / Alejandra Labastida-Shapiro, Image: 474475231, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: / Alejandra L / Media Drum World / Profimedia / Alejandra L / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Majka troje odrasle djece počela je strastveno vježbati 2000. godine, iako kaže da je zavoljela aktivan život još sa 10 godina kad ju je otac vodio sa sobom na trčanje.

Alejandra pictured with her grandchildren. THIS GRAN swears by a RAW FOOD diet to keep her looking youthful - and the flirtatious advances she receives from MEN and being mistaken for her daughter’s sister prove it’s working. Pilates instructor, Alejandra Labastida-Shapiro (55) who lives in Chicago, Illinois, USA, began her journey to live a healthy lifestyle when she was just 10 years old when her father would encourage her to run with him. Growing up with healthy parents who would use natural remedies and medicinal herbs to avoid future sicknesses and injuries, educated Alejandra about the world of fitness and diets. While she initially chose this lifestyle for vanity reasons, as she grew older, she began to re-shift her focus to improve her health. In 2000, Alejandra, who is a mum to three adults; Roberto (34), Alejandra (32) and Mauricio (25), was introduced to Pilates through a friend, which she fell in love with. She avoids any processed food and sugar and consumes mainly raw and organic food. Her youthful figure has prompted many advances from men who give her compliments on her appearance and has even received flowers from a secret admirer. / Alejandra Labastida-Shapiro, Image: 474475287, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: / Alejandra L / Media Drum World / Profimedia / Alejandra L / Media Drum World / Profimedia

"Vjerujem da je tijelo hram naše duše i da ga zato treba njegovati", govori seksi baka.

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04. ožujak 2025 08:25