FOTO: IZGUBLJENO SU TUMARALI SAMI PO CESTI Mještani našli tri smeđa medvjedića stara tek par mjeseci: 'Dobro su, ali nikada više neće vidjeti majku'


Tri medvjedića spašena su nakon što su ih mještani jednog sela u Bugarskoj našli kako tumaraju sami na cesti u blizini gorja Rodopi.

Kako u blizini nije bilo njihove majke, alarmirani su službenici ministarstva zaštite okoliša koji su organizirali da se medvjediće prebaci u sklonište za divlje životinje Četiri šape u obližnjem gradiću Belici.

A picture shows two of the three bear cubs who were found by the Bulgarian authorities in the wild and rescued at the Dancing Bears Park near Belitsa, Bulgaria, April 22, 2018. The three cubs, who are about 3 months old, will be relocated in the next days to a bear orphan station in Greece. Picture taken April 22, 2018. Hristo Vladev/FOUR PAWS handout via REUTERS REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES

Veterinari su ih pregledali i ustanovili da su dobrog zdravlja osim što su malo potreseni nakon što su izgubili mamu.

Dva muška i jedan ženski mladunac stari su oko tri mjeseca, a teže između dvije i tri kile. Timaritelji u skloništu počeli su im davati kozje mlijeko i vitamine dok se nastavlja potraga za njihovom majkom.

A picture shows two of the three bear cubs who were found by the Bulgarian authorities in the wild and rescued at the Dancing Bears Park near Belitsa, Bulgaria, April 22, 2018. The three cubs, who are about 3 months old, will be relocated in the next days to a bear orphan station in Greece. Picture taken April 22, 2018. Hristo Vladev/FOUR PAWS handout via REUTERS REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES

No, Dimitar Ivanov iz skloništa Četiri šape kaže da su šanse da je nađu prilično male jer u 90 posto slučajeva kad se pronađu mladunci, ispostavi se da su majku ubili krivolovci.

A picture shows three bear cubs who were found by the Bulgarian authorities in the wild and rescued at the Dancing Bears Park near Belitsa, Bulgaria, April 22, 2018. The cubs, who are about 3 months old, will be relocated in the next days to a bear orphan station in Greece. Picture taken April 22, 2018. Hristo Vladev/FOUR PAWS handout via REUTERS REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES

Ako njihovu majku doista ne pronađu, mladunce namjeravaju poslati u utočište za medvjede Arcturos u susjednoj Grčkoj gdje će ih pripremiti za povratek u divljinu.

A picture shows one of the three bear cubs who were found by the Bulgarian authorities in the wild and rescued at the Dancing Bears Park near Belitsa, Bulgaria, April 22, 2018. The three cubs, who are about 3 months old, will be relocated in the next days to a bear orphan station in Greece. Picture taken April 22, 2018. Hristo Vladev/FOUR PAWS handout via REUTERS REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES

Prema zaštitarma životinja, u Bugarskoj živi oko 800 smeđih medvjeda što je jedna od najvećih europskih populacija ove zaštićene vrste.

A picture shows a veterinarian examining one of the three bear cubs who were found by the Bulgarian authorities in the wild and rescued at the Dancing Bears Park near Belitsa, Bulgaria, April 22, 2018. The three cubs, who are about 3 months old, will be relocated in the next days to a bear orphan station in Greece. Picture taken April 22, 2018. Hristo Vladev/FOUR PAWS handout via REUTERS REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES

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20. rujan 2024 07:40