SPECIJALAC UMRO GODINU DANA NAKON SPAŠAVANJA DJEČAKA IZ ŠPILJE Zadobio je infekciju krvi za vrijeme akcije, liječio se, ali mu se stanje pogoršalo

Spašavanje dječaka iz tajlandske špilje
 CAPT. JESSICA TAIT / UPI / Profimedia

Tajlandski mornarički specijalac koji je prošle godine sudjelovao u dramatičnom spašavanju 12 dječaka i njihova nogometnog trenera iz poplavljene pećine na sjeveru Tajlanda, umro je od infekcije krvi koju je zadobio tijekom te akcije, objavila je u petak tajlandska mornarica.

Beiret Bureerak bio je na liječenju, ali mu se stanje pogoršalo, objavila je mornarica.

Još jedan spasioc, bivši mornarički ronioc Saman Kuman (37) ugušio se tijekom akcije spašavanja.

Nogometni trener Ekapol Chanthawong (25) i 12 dječaka u dobi od 11 do 16 godina uputili su se istraživati špilju Tham Luand u pokrajini Chiang Rai 23. lipnja 2018. Budući da je bila kišna sezona, jaka kiša poplavila je špilju, a oni su ostali zarobljeni.

BGUK_1285363 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - 20/20 airs special 'Triumph In Thailand' show after the entire Thai soccer team and their coach are rescued from a water logged cave after 18 days. The hour long show aired footage shot by the Royal Thai Navy SEAL team and the Ruamkatanya Foundation as divers and experts battled to save the 12 youngsters and their coach. The footage showed the team being found alive but trapped in the cave and also the diving teams working their way through the cave with food, medical supplies and oxygen. ABC's 20/20 show, which was at the Tham Luang caves in Thailand, also aired their own footage of British diving experts Richard William Stanton and John Volanthen working at the scene as well as an interview with the team's head coach Nopparat Kanthawong. The last remaining member of the Wild Boars soccer team and their assistant coach were pulled out of the flooded cave on July 10, bringing an end to a near three-week ordeal that prompted an international rescue effort and captivated audiences around the world. The 12th boy and his coach were the last of the team to be rescued, after a complicated three-day operation to extricate the team, who became trapped on June 23 when rising flood water cut them off deep inside the cave. In the last 18 days, what began as a local search for the missing 13 turned into a complex rescue operation, involving hundreds of experts who flew in from around the world to help.
The parents of the boys have maintained a constant vigil outside the cave since they went missing, praying for their safe return. All of the boys and their coach have now been transported to a nearby hospital where eight of their teammates are recuperating after being rescued Sunday and Monday. The last of the group to emerge from the cave were four Navy SEALs, including a doctor who stayed with the team for a week after their discovery.


Pictured: Thai soccer team Wild Boars are found alive and treated in the cave

BACKGRID UK 10 JULY 2018, Image: 377489643, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid UK / Profimedia
BACKGRID / Backgrid UK / Profimedia
Dječaci po spašavanju iz špilje

Zavukli su se četiri kilometra duboko u špilju i uspjeli preživjeti devet dana prije nego su pronađeni zahvaljujući vodi koja je kapala sa stijena.

U spašavanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 10.000 ljudi, uključujući više od 100 ronioca i dobrovoljce iz inozemstva, 900 policajaca i 2000 vojnika. Iz špilje je ispumpano više od milijardu litara vode.

Dječaci su spašeni 10. lipnja, nakon punih 18 dana.

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17. rujan 2024 01:10